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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2011
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:        W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, A. Bonofiglio, O. Lies, J. Head

Others Present: P. Harding, Town Planner, Deb Sciascia, Recording Secretary
7:00 PM:  W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.

ALDEN WOODS II BOND REDUCTION:  The current bond for Alden Woods II is $60,170.24.  The Department of Public Works has recommended a reduction to $10,000.00.  The Board has a worksheet to review.  It is expected the subdivision will be on the Town Meeting warrant in May 2012.

O. Lies motioned to reduce the bond from $60,170.24 to $10,000.00 as recommended by DPW.  J. Head seconded.  All in favor, APPROVED.

PARTIAL RELEASE OF COVENANT, Stoney Brook Estates Subdivision Lot 58:  The bond for Phase 1 was established up to the terminus of Lot 47.  Lot 58 is located directly across from Lot 47, but was not included in a previously issued Partial Release of Covenant.  The Developer has requested the release of this lot.  Town Counsel is reviewing the document.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve.  J. Head seconded.  All in favor, APPROVED.

GROUND MOUNTED SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATIONS BYLAW:  P. Harding slightly modified the State’s Model Solar Bylaw, eliminating some unnecessary definitions, federal requirements, increasing the required setbacks to 50 feet from all property lines and defining buffering.  She has also limited the use to being allowed in the R-40, Industrial and Industrial Quarry zoning districts, for non-accessory solar fields.  The site plan will be triggered when the size of the field generates 250kW, topics for discussion included;

1.      SIZE TO TRIGGER SITE PLAN:  250kw is recommended by the state.  This will occupy one acre of land, we can reduce this number if the Town would like to regulate smaller fields.
  • PERMITTED ZONING DISTRICTS:  P. Harding has suggested site plan review for solar fields in the R-40, Industrial, and Industrial Quarry zoning districts.  It was felt large solar fields would have a negative visual impact in the denser zoning districts.  Smaller accessory solar panels, specific to a building, are still permitted as of right in all zoning districts.
  • ADDITIONAL SETBACK OR BUFFERING REQUIREMENTS:  A 50’ setback is required.  The Board should consider if a waiver for a reduced setback should be allowed if additional buffering provisions such as 6’ wooden stockade fencing, etc. are provided.
The City of Worcester Water Filtration Plant, 71 Stonehouse Hill Road, is installing a solar array field accessory to the building.  The field is expected to be installed late October/November.

P. Harding informed the Board that Dennis J. Lipka, Building Inspector, is only requiring an electric permit.

Wind and Solar are not considered farming.  W. Ritter stated that an applicant will need 10 – 20 acres.  P. Harding recommended that ¾ of an acres be the trigger.  For a buffer, the Board will leave it at 50’, and require a waiver for anything else.

D. Lindberg was interested in the trigger for setbacks.

J. Head was concerned with trees cut from the sites.

Documents presented during review:
        Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Guidelines
        (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)

DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES, Zoning Amendment:  The current site plan/special permit bylaw is included in the update below, minor suggested changes are highlighted.  The following will be discussed again in the future agenda, and will be scheduled for a Public Hearing.

Section XI.J.3.g.

  • Site Plans:  The following instances shall require the issuance of a site plan review special permit from the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of this Section XI.J.3.g:
  • If a use is being commenced or changed form on use to another and if Table 4. of the Zoning Bylaw requires ten (10) or more parking spaces (e.g. a new mall is being proposed or a house is being changed to a bank).  If there is a change of use and the change does not require an increase in parking under Table 4., then no site plan review special permit shall be required (e.g. a card store is being changed to a lawyer’s office).
  • If there is a change of use and Table 4. requires ten (10) or more parking spaces, and if the change of use requires the issuance of a special permit or a variance (e.g. a restaurant is being proposed).
  • If a building is being enlarged and Table 4. requires ten (10 )or more parking spaces, even if the parking requirement is not increased by the enlargement (e.g. a hospital is proposing a new wing).
  • If a use is being commenced or changed from on use to another and the use involves a drive-up or self activating facility, regardless of the number of parking spaces required by Table 4.
  • Applications   Special permit application forms shall be submitted in duplicate and shall be accompanied by eight (8) copies of the proposed site plan and such other documents and fees as the Planning Board may require.
  • Contents of Plans   Site plans shall be submitted in a scale of not less than 1”=40’.  Site plans shall show the boundaries of the premises, label direct abutters, existing and proposed topography, existing and proposed buildings including the facades thereof, building elevations, exterior building materials, parking, screening, water, sanitary sewerage, storm drainage, loading areas, driveway openings, driveways, service areas and lighting.  A landscaping plan must be submitted designating the location and species of each proposed and existing planting.  There must be a landscaping table included on the plan which lists species, quantity and size.  All dumpsters, outside storage areas, generators and other similar structures must be marked on the landscaping plan and designate proposed screening.  Fencing must show location, type and height.
  • Review   In reviewing each such application, the Planning Board shall determine that the site plan is so designed as to assure the following:
  • Adequate parking and safety of internal circulation and egress.
  • Traffic safety and ease of access at street and highway entrance and exits of driveways, taking account of grades, sight distances and distances between such driveway entrances, exits and the nearest existing street(s) or highway intersection(s).
  • Adequate access to each structure for fire and service equipment.
  • Adequate utility service and drainage, consistent with the performance standards of the Subdivision Control Regulations for the Town of Holden.
  • The proposed site fits in with the scale and architectural style of surrounding properties
  • Architectural and site details:  Details, color texture, materials, light fixtures, signs and all exterior features should be visually compatible, blending to create a diverse yet unified street composition.
  • The Board will review all proposed alterations of, and additions to, existing structures, and all new construction.
  • New construction should respect the existing historic streetscape.  The historic relationship of buildings to the street and to other properties in the district, including setbacks and open spaces, should be maintained.
  • The Board will consider the appropriateness of the size, massing, scale, height, and shape of the building or structure both in relation to the land area upon which the building or structure is situated and to buildings and structures in the vicinity.
  • The style of architecture of new construction should complement the predominant style of existing historic buildings in the vicinity.
  • New structures should be finished on the exterior with composition, and architectural details that are consistent with the architectural style predominant in the vicinity.
  • Features such as doors and windows should be compatible in proportion, size, shape, location, and pattern with similar features on other contributing structures.
(4)     Applications approved under this section shall be constructed according to plans submitted to the Planning Board, and any modification(s) thereof after Planning Board approval, including changes to the facade of the structures as presented to the Planning Board during review of the Special Permit, shall require the approval of such modification by the Planning Board.  The Planning Board may approve such modification during any regular meeting of the Planning Board if the Board determines that the modification is not substantial.  Any substantial modification shall require a full submission under the application procedure outline in Item 1 of this section.

APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED, 34 Bancroft Road, Gail Russell Trustee, R-10 Zoning District:  The applicant combined two parcels under the same ownership.  There is currently a single family home on the property and the applicant will be constructing an addition on the second lot.  No new building lots were created and the plan was entitled to endorsement.  Due to the 21 day time restriction for action, the ANR was signed at the September 27, 2011 meeting.  Because there was no quorum for that meeting, P. Harding brought the plan to the Board for informational purposes and vote to confirm the endorsement.

O. Lies motioned to approve.  D. Lindberg seconded.  All in favor, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review:
        Approval Not Required, Rita Gail Russell (AKA) Gail Russell, Trustee of Addison P. Russell, 93 OBRA Trust, 34 Bancroft Road, Holden, Massachusetts, Dated September 19, 2011.
        (These documents can be viewed at the Town Clerks Office)

CMRPC DELEGATES:  Delegates appointed to the CMRPC are required to attend quarterly meetings.  The Commission is responsible for all policy decisions including approval of the annual work program and budget for the CMRPC.  Delegates serve as a link between the CMRPC and the Town and vote to compete for grant funds, identify community needs in transportation, and foster sub-regional cooperation.  The delegates serve as a liaison to communicate local needs to the Regional Commission.

Judy Herron was Holden’s delegate, but has not been going to the meetings, therefore the Board needs to appoint another delegate.  O. Lies informed the Board that Auburn, the Blackstone Region, and Northbridge are the most active.  W. Ritter recommended leaving this on the agenda for a future meeting.

APPOINTMENT OF NEW PLANNING BOARD MEMBER:  Scott Carlson was appointed as the 6th member of the Holden Planning Board by the Town Manager.  Mr. Carlson has historically served on the Master Plan Committee, the Municipal Electric Power Advisory Board and the Water Sewer Advisory Board.  He has been a long time resident community volunteer.  Mr. Carlson will begin attending Planning Board meetings on November 8, 2011.  W. Ritter reminded the Board that they will still be down one member.

REVIEW OF KENNEL LICENSE, Special Permit, Kathleen Solitro, 40 Driftwood Drive, R-1 Zoning District:  The applicant has applied to the Board of Selectmen to obtain a kennel license in the R-1 zoning district for the purpose of breeding dogs.  The applicant owns two Olde English Bull dogs and is requesting to breed them once per year.  The lot consists of 16,660 square feet of area and is partially fenced.  The hearing is scheduled for November 7, 2011, at Memorial Hall.  A Kennel License is needed for more than three (3) dogs.

W. Ritter inquired if there was any planning significance to this.

J. Head would like to have more information.

O. Lies stated that a kennel permit in that area would not be desirable.

D. Lindberg motioned no recommended action due to limited planning significance.  J. Head seconded.  All in favor.

Documents presented during review:
        Special Permit, Kennel License, Kathleen Solitro, 40 Driftwood Dr., Holden, MA 01520, dated October 7, 2011.
        (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)

APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED:  90 Newell Road, The Seasons Development Corporation:  Seasons Development Corporation is transferring two parcels of land to an abutter located at 90 Newell Road.  No buildable lots are being created and the parcels conform to the frontage and area requirements of the R-1 Zoning District.  The plan is entitled to endorsement.

D. Lindberg motioned to endorse the plan.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 5-0, all in favor.  APPROVED.

Documents presented during review:
        Approval Not Required, Jeffrey M. & Margaret W. Lizotte, W.D.R.D. BK> 40944 PG. 212, Map 235 Parcel 46
        The Seasons Development Corp., W.D.R.D. BK. 22377 PG. 194, Map 222 Parcel 35, Plan dated 11/5/10
        (These documents can be viewed at the Town Clerks Office)

  • May 24, 2011:  A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve.  O. Lies seconded with a change from ECC to EDC.  All in favor, approved.
  • June 28, 2011:  A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve adding ‘the design guidelines refers to’ #4 in the Zoning By Law Section XI.J.3.g.  J. Head seconded.  All in favor, APPROVED.
  • August 16, 2011:  D. Lindberg motioned to approve changing spelling to ‘endorse’ in 614 Reservoir St..  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  J. Head abstained from the vote.  Vote 4-0, APPROVED.
  • September 13, 2011:  A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve changing ‘Nason’ to ‘Hazen’. D. Lindberg seconded.  All in favor, APPROVED.
The Meeting Minutes presented for review:  The above meeting minutes can be viewed online

NEXT MEETING:  November 8, 2011.  On agenda is subdivision update.  The winter letters will be sent out.

  • Highlands of Holden:  W. Ritter mentioned that progress is being made on the dirt pile.
  • Winterberry Hollow:  All permits are in place.  No work is being done.
J. Head motioned to adjourn.  D. Lindberg seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:05 PM.

October 25, 2011 Minutes approved:              January 24, 2012        

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary